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Sweet Heat Rising (Thoroughbred Men Series) Page 2
Sweet Heat Rising (Thoroughbred Men Series) Read online
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Sarah coughed again and tried to regain her posture. “No, lets just get the rolls and donuts started this morning. Thank you for the coffee,” Sarah replied quietly, trying to be polite. She could not believe he had just said that! Some mornings it was easy to get along with Tyler, other mornings? Not so much. When he was tried to be subtle and showed interest in her, it was like she watched a sleazy salesman come onto her. She could practically picture him in a tweed jacket and cologne that overwhelmed. Both would have the same effect: a huge turn off.
Sarah unlocked the back door to the bakery, walked inside, and the rich smell of yeast and dough always made her take a deep breath in. She sighed in contentment. There was just something that invigorated her about the smell of rising dough and rolls. Sarah flipped on the deep fryers to get them started warming up for the five thirty opening.
She stayed quiet on her side of the metal prep table. Sarah dumped the dough and proceeded to beat it down again for the final rising. Tyler had the mixer started in the corner, in order to begin the next batch of donuts. They both fell into a quiet routine as they prepared the bakery for opening. A short while later, the first set of headlights pulled in front of the shop. The bright lights reflected off the glass case back into the kitchen. “Almost ready?” Sarah asked, as Tyler fished out another batch of the crispy batter from the fryer.
Tyler dunked the hot confections into the icing bath, and pulled them up to drain off the excess. He dropped several more into the glistening deep fryer and said over his shoulder, “Yep! I am good! I am on the last batch now.”
Sarah said with a grin, “Okay, let’s do this” and flipped on the neon open sign in the window. She turned the door lock to the open position. She got a thrill each time she opened the shop for business, and that had not changed over the years. It still amazed her that she was able to make it on her own and thrive.
“Ouch! Damn fire ants!” she yelped, as Sarah swatted at another on her leg, while she attempted to plant a few flowers in the flowerbed out front of her condo. It was already muggy outside. Headphones on, she listened to pop music loudly and continued to attack the ground with the trowel. She put each bulb in a hole, as lined up as possible in the small bed. She stood, pushed her sunglasses back up the bridge of her nose and ran the back of her arm across her forehead. As she hummed along with the beat of the music, she noticed the mail was already running and she walked two doors down to get it from the communal mail box stand with her key.
Sarah glanced down the street and saw a small gathering of joggers coming down the road. She leisurely continued to flip through her mail as she walked back to her yard. Sarah felt a tap on her shoulder, as she looked over a mailer regarding the bakery and jumped.
She glanced up from the paperwork… and swung around wildly as a shadow stood over her. She almost screamed until she realized it was not who she thought it was. In that blinding moment, she could feel Josh’s hands on her throat again. He still terrified her. She was not sure she would ever be over the apprehension he caused in her.
Matt was surprised at the defensive mode the pretty brunette seemed to be in. He had simply thought to say hello and maybe make a new acquaintance in town. “Hey, there....Whoa...” he smiled broadly. “I had tried to tell you hello and that you have a smudge on your forehead. I guess you did not hear me? I didn't mean to scare you. I’m Matt. Matt Geary,” he introduced.
Sarah yanked out one earbud and stuck out her hand sheepishly. She felt embarrassed about being so nervous. “I’m Sarah - and sorry. I didn't hear you and you scared me.” She could not help but ogle the handsome, sweaty, tanned stranger that was grinning at her.
Matt smiled at her introduction. He could understand her being caught unawares. “Sorry again about that - I called out and thought I would just say hi, catch my breath and maybe see you soon, if you are on this route we take on Sundays.” Matt knew it was forward, but reached up and started to brush his thumb across her forehead. Matt grinned from ear to ear at the pink heat that rose in her cheeks. “It was nice to meet you, Sarah, see you next week on my run?” and without an answer he started to jog off to catch up with the guys who jogged in place at the stop sign down the block. They made cat calls at him as he grew closer.
Sarah stood there, dumbfounded for a moment on the sidewalk and looked after the group down the street. She saw him wave and returned the wave, much to her surprise. She was a very open people person and easily chatted with everyone at the bakery (except Tyler) but this man had certainly made her tongue tied. She had not been speechless in forever, and it was an odd sensation. One that made her feel almost giddy deep down inside.
His blue eyes were gorgeous and crinkled slightly at the edges when he grinned at her. When he smiled, his whole face lit up and she caught her breath. It was like something switched on inside of her. Sarah recognized a lot of people because they had come by the shop at one point or another... happy, complained, frustrated, in a rush, etc. She could typically place them again randomly throughout town. This man? She had never seen him.
Sarah shook her head and used her iPhone camera function to see the smudge and squeaked in horror. The ‘smudge’ turned out to be a massive run of dirt across her forehead streaked with sweat. Sheesh. No wonder he had smiled at her. She looked like she had rolled around in the flowerbed instead of just planting a few bulbs. She started back up towards the house, when she heard a honk and turned....
.... and groaned.
Tyler pulled his car over when he saw Sarah on the sidewalk nearby as he left the park. “Sarah! Small world! What are you doing here? Do you live here?” he asked curiously. He had no idea she lived out this way, maybe they would cross paths more often? He enjoyed spending time reading in the park and thought the drive was pretty. Seeing her out in the yard, in shorts and a T-shirt definitely made the scenic drive over even nicer, he thought.
Sarah could not believe her rotten luck. Could she not get a break? First, the dirt on her forehead when the first guy she had really shown interest in forever, shows up unexpectedly and now this. The guy she was not interested in, and really had no other reason than a lack of chemistry between them, could not seem to take a hint.
“Good morning, Tyler, I live in this neighborhood. What are you up to today?” Sarah replied politely while thinking all the while how she was going to get away from him and hoped he did not ask her out again.
Her friends told her that she should give him a try and go out with him, however, Sarah did not feel he needed any encouragement at all. If she went out once with him, he would never take no for an answer again.
Tyler pulled up and parked along the sidewalk, where she was standing. “Oh, you know.... I am just out. I read my book at the park for a bit and thought I might check out a yard sale in the area,” he said cheerfully, looking her over. She had the shapeliest legs that apparently were hidden away underneath her jeans she wore daily at the bakery.
Sarah raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “Really? A yard sale? The subdivision has a community yard sale twice a year...and that was two weeks ago,” she said wryly. Did he really think she fell off the proverbial ‘turnip truck’ last night? He just ‘happened’ to be coming by? Odd, she thought.
Tyler was not deterred at all, but replied smoothly “The park was getting a bit crowded, I was just headed out and saw the sign. It must have been an old sign, I guess...you have something on your face?” He casually leaned onto the sill of the car door, in no hurry whatsoever. He enjoyed her company immensely.
Sarah peevishly thought, “Did everyone have to notice the dirt on her face? She might as well go to the store too, so more people could point it out.” She stepped back and said dispassionately, “Yes, I am just headed in. I will see you tomorrow and good luck on your yard sales today.”
Tyler took the hint and said, “See ya,” and drove down the road. He had to find a way to cross the boundary she had set up and find a way to bond with her. It was tough at work, because she al
ways brought up the employee subject. When he saw her out in the yard, he felt it was a perfect opportunity to say hello away from work. Unfortunately, she was not receptive to him again. Maybe he would try to get her to look at him differently, maybe flowers would help?
Sarah waited until the car was out of sight before turning back to the condo and heading inside. The cool air was a welcome relief from the heat. Sarah headed back to the bathroom to get a quick shower, and groaned again at how nasty she was from the heat and from having dug out in the flower beds. No wonder she was single!
Worked a lot, worked odd hours some days and then when she had free time, she spent it doing things that appealed to her but made her unappealing (apparently) to men. That Matt guy she met must have had a good laugh with his buddies at her expense. He seemed nice, but the old doubts nagged her mind...and planted firmly in the amount of dirt on her forehead. She could not help but think of the arguments or things that Josh said to her while they were together. She shook her head to rid herself of the memory.
Sarah took a long hot shower and cleaned up from the work in the yard. She then cleaned the inside of the house. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, started a load of laundry and settled down with a cup of hot tea in her favorite chair. She swiped up her iPad, checked her emails and opened the app to her most recent book she was enjoying. When the buzzer for the dryer went off, she realized she had spent over an hour reading and decided to fix an easy meal for herself. She emptied the dryer and went on about her afternoon doing little odds ands ends that had been put off for the week.
The next morning, Sarah threw her brown hair into a casual pony tail in the car and headed in to the bakery. She donned her apron and began shaping the loaves that had risen from the night before. She loved challah bread. The dough was so very smooth and had such a rich smell. She carefully braided each loaf and placed it in the warmer for a second rise. She moved the coffee cakes to the front of the case, rearranged some of the muffins, sweet breads, and made room for the trays of cake donuts. The tinkle of the bell announced the first customer of the day and Sarah greeted them warmly.
Later that afternoon, as she swept around the display case and tables, she heard the bell on the door chime yet once again. She looked up thru the window and saw the large delivery truck in front of the shop. Sarah said casually without looking up, “Thank you, just put it on the table. I will be right there,” as she finished with the broom and dustpan.
Matt just smiled as he viewed her shapely figure. He watched as she kneeled down, surprised it was the same woman from yesterday. She was definitely something to look at. Long brown silky hair pulled back, curvy bottom that was accentuated by a bow from her apron. She turned around, carefully held the dustpan as to not lose any debris … and promptly dropped it. “Oh hey! You aren’t Jill!” she exclaimed, placing her hand over her bosom.
Matt viewed her expression of relief. She was simply gorgeous when she smiled. He said, “Nope, but I do have a box for you.” He must have taken her by surprise. He eyed the dustpan on the floor and felt guilty for making her drop it, however, he would certainly enjoy the view when she swept it up again. That bow on her apron was putting wicked thoughts in his mind.
Sarah smiled warmly and said, “It's the new mini loaf pans I had ordered and a few spring forms pans. Would you like something to drink or are you finished with your route? Is this your route now? Where is Jill?” she rambled on a bit nervously. He really did startle her, but she was pleased to see him again.
Matt smiled broadly “I’d love something however I have a few more deliveries before my route is finished, and yes, it's my route now. Jill gave her notice and I am taking it over. Is this your shop?” he said impressed. It was a cute little shop and seemed to be busy judging by the almost empty display cases, or at least he hoped so for her sake.
Sarah thought, so much for small town gossips! She had no idea who he was other than her new delivery driver, but could find out easily about Jill ...and about Matt. She planned on asking around to see what dirt she could dig up about them both. She hated to be a gossip but it was the easiest way to find out anything around here.
“We close up shop usually around five o’clock.” She glanced at the clock. She saw it was barely three, “However, I am getting a few things started for tomorrow and will be here for a bit longer,” she said blushing. She could not believe she had just told him what time she got off work! She did not even know the guy!
Matt grinned widely, took the clip board back from Sarah after she signed and winked. “Sounds like a date” he said, whistled and headed out the door. He hoped she would not be opposed to some time spent getting to know each other. He could use the company and was not ashamed to admit that he was definitely attracted to her. It had been a long time since he felt that way and planned to pursue her.
Sarah was surprised at her boldness, and relieved at the same time that Tyler was off today. She didn't have to worry about an audience, questions or a third ‘wheel’ in the shop. “A date,” Sarah said nervously and was really looking forward to the next few hours passing quickly. She stepped back, watched his truck pull away and realized she was happy to have plans for the night with him.
Sarah milled about the shop: wiped down counters, cleaned the glass, straightened the magazines, watered the plants along the sill and started the next batch of loaves to rise. She carefully bagged up the few loaves that were still present in the case, marked them down and placed them in the basket at the end of the counter. She flipped the sign closed and locked the door.
Sarah moved to start a pot of hot coffee and set a table carefully. She threw out the little carnation in the tiny glass vase and put a new cloth down on the table. She grabbed a few plates, polished the forks and fidgeted with it for a few. Tired, she rubbed her face. She then looked at her flour covered hands and frowned. Sarah raced to the bathroom as she saw a sedan pull in front of the shop. She carefully wiped down her face to free it from any flour, smoothed back her hair and took off her apron as she heard a knock on the door of the bakery.
Matt stood outside of the glass door, still in his uniform. He held a small bouquet of flowers and smiled when he saw her. He watched as she unbolted the door and welcomed him inside, bolting it again behind him. “I thought you had closed up and ran out on me” he joked as he handed her the bouquet. “I’m really glad you waited. I hope I haven’t kept you too long.” He was a bit concerned when he saw the parking spots in front of the store were empty and all the lights were off.
Sarah accepted the bouquet shyly. It had been quite a while since she received flowers and this experience was definitely different from any of the guys she had grown up with, or had dated about town. It was nice to not already know all about him. She could get to know him without knowing every detail of his life already. She hoped that since he was a stranger, they would have so much to talk about. “Please come in,” she said and gestured to the table. “I need to put these in some water. I will be right back,” she said and walked around the glass case towards the kitchen.
Matt waited patiently for her. He stood by the table as she came back from the kitchen with the bouquet. He watched as she placed it on the table next to the other tiny vase. “I like yours a lot better” she smiled as she pointed at the vase next to his. Matt replied “I’m glad, allow me?” and pulled out the chair for Sarah.
She seemed so nervous and it was adorable watching her flutter around the tiny bakery. She seemed quite at home in her shop. He assumed it was his presence that made her antsy. He wanted to put her at ease, so they could get to know each other better. She was the loveliest woman he had seen in quite some time and he was definitely interested.
Sarah fidgeted just a bit and said, “Well, I need to get us something from the case. What would you like? Do you want some coffee?” She was a bit thrown off by him bring her flowers. She was so attracted to him. She didn't have much to offer, other than some of the items in the case.
She could have kicked herself because she felt like she should have maybe made dinner for the two of them or something a bit more special.
Matt smiled, picked up the two plates and said, “No pressure! Let’s just do this casually and not quite so formal. What are you having this evening?” He could almost watch the tension melt from her and found it quite humorous that she seemed to be so nervous around him.
Sarah smiled in relief that he seemed to be so easy going. She pointed at the case and said, “I think I may have a bit of the blueberry coffee cake. I’ve been smelling it all day and it’s been calling my name.” Sarah knew she was rambling but couldn't help it. She kept noticing things about him that she found attractive, that she had never noticed before: his tanned arms, his hands, even his nose was gorgeous. Oh, she had it bad!
Matt smiled. “Let’s make that two slices then, and yes to the coffee. How about you cut and I pour?” he offered, pointing to the fresh pot on the buffet table against the wall. He marveled again at how quaint the small shop was and how inviting it seemed. She had done an excellent job with the decor and every corner had her touch.
Sarah tried not to notice how very alone they were in the shop. She could not help it though, she could smell his cologne and was so very intrigued by him. He seemed so large in the tiny room. It was a bit intimidating. She responded, “Sounds good. Would you like a big piece or little piece of coffee cake?” she asked politely as she took the saucers from him to serve the confections.
Matt laughed, “Big piece of cake, if that’s okay? I have quite the sweet tooth” he revealed, sheepishly. She was simply adorable and had the prettiest smile. He admired that he could smell her perfume as she walked past him around the small glass display case. He watched her pony tail sway as she moved gracefully. Everything about her seemed so very delicate and feminine.