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Sweet Heat Rising (Thoroughbred Men Series) Page 3

  Sarah muttered under her breath, “You don't look it,” and heard him chuckle again. She felt her face heat up, mortified. He looked amazingly fit and if he had a sweet tooth, he processed it better than she ever did. She could not believe she said that aloud. He captivated her, and she was having a terribly hard time playing it cool around him.

  Matt smiled carefully, it was nice to know she was interested in him as well. “Well, thank you. You look pretty good yourself,” he said easily pouring the coffee into two delicate cups. “Would you care for cream and sugar in yours?” he asked, as he placed the two cups on the table she had carefully set.

  Sarah was mollified when he did not tease her for the slip of her tongue, instead he had let it drop. “Yes, please,” and she set the two small saucers down and moved to have a seat. Matt stepped over again, pulled out the chair for her carefully. He took his own seat and joined her.

  Matt smiled at her and said questioningly, “So?” He studied her profile. Not only did Sarah have the prettiest smile, it was combined with a sweet dimple on one pink cheek. She had dark lashes that framed her eyes, with centers that looked like they were made of warm chocolate.

  She tried to be casual, but found it was hard as she noticed him watching her. She shook out a cloth napkin carefully, not meeting his eyes. After a few minutes she replied back, “So?” and smiled back at him, feeling a bit nervous at his attention. He studied her with the most pleased expression. She wondered if he enjoyed her nervousness.

  Matt picked up his fork, breaking eye contact with her in attempt to put her at ease. She seemed to be pretty timid. He hoped she warmed up fast and was a bit more talkative. “So tell me about yourself, Sarah?” he said. He could look at her all night, but had a feeling that would only make her more nervous.

  Sarah picked up her fork in response. “There is nothing to tell really. What do you want to know?” It had been forever since she had really been on an official date. What in the world do you talk about? She did not want to discuss her ex-husband nor did she want to discuss the weather… and all she really had to talk about was work, and that bored most people she knew. It was just not interesting to discuss what temperature the butter needed to be at to make a good pie crust.

  Matt took a bite of the dessert and gave a small sigh of contentment. “My gosh, this is amazing! Is this your own recipe?” he was impressed. Good looks, independent, and can cook. All definite positives in his book. Things seemed to have started out strained this evening and he wanted her to open up so he could get to know her.

  Sarah beamed at the compliment, and took a bite of her own. “My goodness, I am pretty good at this,” she said lightly with a laugh. It always pleased her when her recipes turned out good, even more so when she was wanting to impress the person it was for!

  He chuckled and said, “Yeah, having your own place I would say so! But seriously this is divine. So what do you usually talk about on your dates?” He continued as he took another bite. He knew he was fishing. He wanted to see how things stood for him in her world. She was stunning and most women were usually taken, or so he had found out.

  Sarah frowned a bit at the question. “I don't really date,” she said quietly. She wasn't upset about it, far from it in fact. It was just the truth. She did not date. She was normally very nervous to date someone. Josh still set her on edge even after all these years. It was amazing how being so wrong about someone could destroy your self confidence. The only person who had shown interest recently was Tyler and he was not on the radar. There was no interest for her and to have a relationship, it could not be one-sided. Plus, the other guys in town either were married, dating or just not interested it seemed.

  Matt smiled at her response, took a sip of the coffee and said, “I'm glad, no competition,” he said with a wink. He was very pleased to hear she was available. He was also pleased to see her open up a bit with his remark, instead of being jumpy or nervous.

  Sarah laughed openly, “Nope, no competition! You are in the clear. So, let’s turn the tables. You tell me all about yourself now,” she asked with a bravado she did not feel. She wanted to get the focus off of her and see what he was all about.

  Matt put down his fork and said, “Well, my name is Matt Geary. I’m thirty-eight, a widower, no children and work for UPS for the last eight years. I just transferred from Virginia Beach about three months ago,” he said with a smirk. Name, age, and serial number, he thought amused.

  Sarah sat back stunned. A widower? “I am so very sorry.” Great, was he looking for a friend, a girlfriend, a rebound? Was he damaged goods too? She was instantly wary and Matt could see her expression change a bit and become guarded.

  He smiled easily, reached over and patted her hand. Her hands were so soft, he noted casually. “It's okay,” he said, “I was extremely young when we married and she was killed in a car accident about three years later. I have been single for quite a while. Everyone looks at you differently when they find out and apologizes.

  “They just don't understand that because I am a widower that I am I miss her? Sure, I do. It has been a long time and I always wonder how things would have moved forward in our lives. She was very happy and always smiling. I think that is what hits me the hardest, is that it’s rare to find someone who is so open and just happy to be, you know?” he said, picking up his fork again. “Does it bother you that I have been married before?” taking another bite, he watched her carefully trying to judge her response.

  Sarah was actually not surprised. People had made assumptions about her for several years now. She herself had assumed instantly that he was ‘damaged goods’ when he said he was widowed. He was a very good looking man, but had assumed he was divorced like she was. “No, I’m just surprised a bit. I was once married before as well, a long time ago. Does it bother you that I don't date much or that I was once married?” she said trying to lighten the mood. Things had taken a quick turn and she wanted the smiling, relaxed Matt back in the room.

  Matt was relieved to see that she was opening up with him and becoming a bit more talkative. “Not at all, I’m actually really happy about that unless you are done dating me already or hung up on your ex?” he said lightly, took a sip of his coffee and wagged his eyebrows at her. He was glad to see she did not have an expression of pity on her face. That was one thing that ruined several other first dates with other women. Part of the reason he jumped at the opportunity to transfer away. He needed a fresh start.

  Sarah laughed loudly, picked up her coffee cup, clinked it against his and smiled widely “Nope, not hung up on my ex whatsoever and not done at all if this is how it is dating you,” she said lightly and was surprised at her boldness.

  They continued to make a bit of small talk, she told him of her dreams to have her own bakery, the struggles she has had in the past: recipes, ideas, advertising, keeping it open, hiring employees. She shared that it had been a dream since she was a small girl. She carefully revealed that she had not been married long and had divorced quite some time ago. Sarah liked that he was so very easy to talk to.

  Matt shared that he had finally moved because he needed a new start in a new town. It was hard marrying your high school sweetheart and having lost her. The town he had grown up in was full of people that knew him, and each felt sorry for his loss. There was no healing for him, if each day someone brought up the loss of his wife.

  He felt guilty that he did not hurt anymore and wanted to move forward. There was no magic, no mystery, no secrets, no excitement in getting to know someone. So he asked for the position when it opened up, and jumped at the chance for a fresh start.

  He admitted he began jogging to get out of the house with some of his friends from work, she shared that she liked to walk along the trail near her place but confessed that it was creepy sometimes to go by herself and she considered getting a puppy but hadn't yet because she spent a lot of time at the shop. He finished up his slice of coffee cake and sat back sipping his coffee as she talked. He wa
s enchanted by how her face lit up when she talked and thought about how much he was enjoying her company.

  She marveled at how easy the conversation seemed to be between them. “Am I boring you? Would you like to try something different for your sweet tooth?” she said jokingly. “I am talking your ear off. I can really talk sometimes!” She had not laughed so much in so very long, nor had she felt so happy in such a long time.

  Matt smiled and said, “Nah, I am full, besides, I have an excuse to come by again to try something new, don't I?” He knew he was hinting and testing the proverbial waters, but he was enjoying her company so much and wanted the opportunity to see her again.

  Sarah beamed in delight. “You are always welcome to come by, you do not need an invitation.” She had hoped he would be interested in seeing her again, maybe in a more romantic setting or just as friends. She sincerely hoped it would be the first since he was so attractive, but she had not been so content in so long she would welcome the companionship as well.

  Matt smiled and said, “I am glad to hear it, want more coffee?” He was not ready for the night to be over but it seemed to have wrapped up somewhat. He hoped that he would have a chance to see her again sooner rather than later.

  Sarah declined the coffee (she had to sleep tonight and odds were that the coffee this late in the day was gonna keep her up.... Either that or thinking about him) and stood to gather the plates. She felt he was concluding the evening and wanted to keep herself busy. She felt nervous again. If this was the date ending would he try to kiss her, she wondered.

  Matt offered to help and gathered his plate and cup to follow her to the kitchen. “I need to see if the temperature is right in the warmer before I head out this evening and I am going to run this through the wash really quickly,” she said as she put the dishes down in the metal sink full of suds.

  Matt wanted to prolong their time together. “I will tell you what, you wash and I will dry,” he said lightly, pointing at a towel. “It's the least I can do to earn my meal.” He teased her again. She smiled and handed him a sudsy plate. He whipped a dishtowel off the rack with a flourish. He dutifully dried it off and stacked it on shelf above the sink, she moved to hand him another plate, same pattern.

  “Sarah?” Matt said drying the last cup, as she wrung out the dishcloth and pulled the plug on the sink. “I am really glad I was going through your neighborhood with the guys the other day,” he said quietly. “This has been so nice and I would love to see you again.”

  Sarah smiled warmly at him and took the towel from him, hanging it on the peg. “I am glad you were running there too. I just wish I did not have so much dirt on my forehead. I was really embarrassed about that,” she said shyly as she looked up into his blue eyes. The kitchen felt like it had just shrunk in size and she felt decidedly feminine beside him. She had not felt such anticipation in so long. She could not help but look at his sensuous mouth and wonder again if he would kiss her before leaving for the night.

  Matt leaned in towards her slowly, he reached out and put one hand on her waist. “Don't be, you are real and I like it a lot,” and lightly kissed her lips. Her lips were just as soft as he imagined they would be. He adored the way she watched his mouth as he moved to kiss her. “Thank you for a wonderful evening,” he said softly against her lips. He pulled back and turned to head out. “Maybe I will see you soon?” he asked again.

  Sarah said, “I would love that,” and genuinely meant it. Her heart fluttered in her chest still from his touch. She unconsciously touched her lips and smiled softly at him. She felt so overwhelmed as he leaned in and kissed her, and she wanted to repeat it again - which surprised her even more.

  Matt nodded, pretended to bow towards her like an old fashioned gentleman and headed out the front door of the bakery, smiling. He marveled that he could taste cherry Chapstick on himself, and it made him think of how delicious her soft lips tasted. He adored the way she touched her lips after their kiss. He grinned again, as he planned to make sure he had the opportunity to kiss those cherry lips again.

  Sarah locked the door behind him as he left, and stood leaning against it. She grinned from ear to ear and replayed their conversations in her head. Oh she liked him, a lot! He was easy to talk to and a quick wit about him that kept her on her toes and kept her laughing. She finished up in the shop and headed home, thought of his smile and the kiss they had shared.


  Sarah continued to smile happily all the next day, and would catch herself giggling a bit when she thought of how it made her feel. She did not know when she would see him again, but was so giddy at the prospect.

  Tyler took her happiness as an invitation. He mentioned that maybe she could attend a cookout with a few friends this weekend and was dismayed to see her expression fall. He had felt she had begun to avoid him. She had spent time chatting with customers instead of helping him at the case. Which really bothered him more than he realized, because by late morning he was growing testy with her and had snapped at a customer.

  “What’s wrong with you today,” Sarah whispered angrily at him, after she apologized profusely to the gentleman at the counter. Tyler walked off into the kitchen, and she finished helping him with his purchase from the case. She threw in a loaf of bread as an apology for her employee’s attitude. Sarah walked into the kitchen and saw Tyler was washing a few dishes in the sink. “Tyler, what is going on? Are you all right?” she asked concerned. It was not like him to be so negative and lash out, especially to the clientele. They kept this shop afloat!

  Tyler finished washing, dried his hands slowly and said, “It’s nothing that a little attention from you wouldn't fix,” looking pointedly at her. He had overheard her talk to her friend Carla about having a date last night with a new guy in town and it did not take a lot to put two and two together. Her date is what had her smiling all morning long and he was jealous. He could not help it.

  Sarah drew a blank, “Attention? Like what?” she asked stupidly. What was he talking about? Attention from her? She had talked with him several times this morning! She had been so surprised with his attitude towards the customer, when normally he was quite congenial.

  Tyler walked over to her and plucked at a piece of imaginary lint off her shoulder, Sarah leaned back away from him and bumped into the workbench behind her. He decided maybe it was time to really make his intentions known.

  He had tried the friendship aspect, but felt it was time to ramp up and make sure she understood he was interested in her, as a man wants a woman, not just as friends. He leaned in towards her, whispered, “A little attention goes a long way to making someone smile, and I could show you some,” in a very suggestive tone. He thought she was so pretty and she had no idea how attracted he was to her.

  Sarah was distinctly taken aback. “Tyler, I think maybe you should go ahead and head home for the day and I will take over. You are a little too close for comfort and making me nervous,” she said trying to keep her voice calm. She did not like that he implied things or suggested things.

  It bordered on harassment and made her think of when Josh had her by the throat. She had never suspected him capable of violence, now she was extremely cautious. She knew Tyler would never harm her, but it made her antsy all the same for him to be so very close to her. But then again, she never thought Josh would harm her, and look at where it got her.

  Tyler shrugged, tried to play it off and told her to call if she need anything. He did not understand how she could play hard to get when he was making it obvious for her. He was interested… and frustrated. He swept up his keys and took off his smock, hanging it on the peg by the door. He turned and saluted to her with a smirk and walked casually out the back door.

  It would be a cold day in hell before she went out with him, Sarah thought shakily. She had to find someone else to help her in the bakery, period. She had enough and would never allow herself to be cornered like that again.


  Sarah spent the afternoon busy. She calculate
d what she would need for the shop, started new loaves, and made more items for the display case. She whipped up a batch of sugar cookies for tomorrow and frosted each one with purple and yellow royal icing, the high school’s team colors. Prom, picnics, band concerts and graduation was around the corner and themed items seemed to sell like hotcakes when events were coming up. She always tried to have those colors ready and waiting in the case. Sarah finished up and on her way home decided she would also do cupcakes tomorrow in the colors too. Easy profit maker!

  Sarah’s week passed by fast and thankfully Tyler had been on his best behavior and seemed to be like normal. He was helpful around the kitchen, and was not pushy or demanding. He teased her and made her laugh. He chatted amicably and asked her if she planned on attending a function or had been solicited to cater, when he saw all the themed items. Sarah laughed, there was no way she would ever attend any school functions or reunions where she had graduated. Too many memories and she wanted no opportunity to run into Josh or anyone in contact with him.

  Sarah confessed that she felt much older than the kids that came by her shop on the weekends. Tyler took that moment to tell her how pretty she was to him, and she cut him off quickly. “Let’s keep it professional since we work together, okay?” she asked sincerely. She thought he had done so well and had not harassed her a bit over the last few days. It had been such a relief to not be on edge. Tyler took the hint and left her alone, but only after he squeezed past her behind the counter. Sarah could have sworn it was deliberate to get close to her or brush up against her.